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[기본] New articles from eLife – November 6, 2024

사단법인과학키움 2024.11.07 10:00 조회 588

November 6, 2024

New articles from eLife



We’ve extended the deadline for applications to our Ambassadors programme. Apply by November 22 to join us as a champion of open science


Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

Caspases promote cell proliferation after necrosis

Prathibha Yarikipati, Andreas Bergmann

An enzyme known as caspase, which initiates apoptosis, has a central role in the regeneration of cells and repair of tissue that can occur after necrosis.



Learning and cognition in a decision made at reflex speed

Martin Krause, Wolfram Schulze, Stefan Schuster



Difficulty in artificial word learning impacts targeted memory reactivation and its underlying neural signatures

Arndt-Lukas Klaassen, Björn Rasch

Targeted memory reactivation improved memory performance of easy-to-learn words, but had no effect of difficult-to-learn words, which suggests a critical role of word learning difficulty in sleep associated memory reactivation.


Coupling of saccade plans to endogenous attention during urgent choices

Allison T Goldstein, Terrence R Stanford, Emilio Salinas

Psychophysical measurements using time pressure indicate that when attention is willfully deployed, a congruent scaccade is automatically planned, but the coupling is weak and can be rapidly broken.


Age-related decline in blood-brain barrier function is more pronounced in males than females in parietal and temporal regions

Xingfeng Shao, Qinyang Shou ... Danny JJ Wang

Sex differences in the age-related decline of blood-brain barrier function vary across brain regions, with a more pronounced decrease observed in males beginning in the early 60s.

Genetics and Genomics

Perturbations in eIF3 subunit stoichiometry alter expression of ribosomal proteins and key components of the MAPK signaling pathways

Anna Herrmannová, Jan Jelínek ... Leoš Shivaya Valášek

eIF3, despite being a general translation initiation factor, functions in mRNA-specific regulation, having a profound impact on the synthesis and activation of the MAPK pathway components and ribosomal proteins.

Chromosomes and Gene ExpressionNeuroscience

Molecular basis of neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Polr3-related disease

Robyn D Moir, Emilio Merheb ... Ian M Willis

A global reduction in tRNA differentially affects brain regions and tissues in a mouse model of Polr3-related disease leading to activation of integrated stress and innate immune responses and neurodegeneration.

Computational and Systems BiologyNeuroscience

The recurrent temporal restricted Boltzmann machine captures neural assembly dynamics in whole-brain activity

Sebastian Quiroz Monnens, Casper Peters ... Bernhard Englitz

The recurrent temporal restricted Boltzmann machine applied to whole-brain neuronal recordings from larval zebrafish brains provides substantial advantages in discovering the neuronal assembly structure and their connectivity.


Natural forgetting reversibly modulates engram expression

James D O'Leary, Rasmus Bruckner ... Tomás J Ryan

Causal investigation of engram ensembles shows that natural forgetting is an active and reversible process driven by perceptual feedback, supporting the perspective of forgetting an adaptive function of the brain.